Am 8. Dezember 2020 um 11.00 Uhr Moskauer Zeit findet die XXI. Internationale Online-Konferenz über internationale Zusammenarbeit, Organisation und Durchführung der Weltmeisterschaften im Feuerwehr- und Rettungssport im Jahr 2021 statt
The Republic of Austria
The Republik of Azerbaijan
The Republic of Belarus
The Republic of Bulgaria
The Federal Republic of Germany
The Islamic Republic of Iran
The Republic of India
Italian Republic
The Republic of Kazakhstan
State of Qatar
The Kyrgyz Republic
The Republic of China
The Republic of Korea
The Republic of Latvia
The Republic of Poland
Russian Federation
Republic of Senegal
Republic of Serbia
Syrian Arab Republic
The Slovak Republic
Republic of Slovenia
The Republic of Turkey
The Republic of Uzbekistan
The Republic of Croatia
The Czech Republic
The Republic of Estonia